Saturday, October 31, 2009

Self Hypnosis before, Brainwave Entrainment now

Self hypnosis is actually the power to enter into the subconscious mind and try as best as we can to speak to the powerful subconscious mind. Hypnotism has been around for a long time, and it even has been used in ancient times to measure some sort of mind control. Many hypnotists have been on TV and what you see is really perhaps a glamorised version of the real thing. There are no beautiful assistants and there are no advertisement breaks, what you need to understand is that you should think about more advanced techniques like brainwave entrainment. Now I am sure that you have heard about it and now, we will tell you how to effectively use brainwave entrainment.

For one thing, you need a really quiet space, and if you can find one in your house, then that is really great, but if you cant then, you need to be able to find one. The good thing about this is that you can actually induce silence through the use of music plugged into your ears, and make sure that it is really relaxing and soothing music. Either method is fine, as along as you are able to concentrate and reflect inwards to be able to start the self hypnotism process. So this is the first factor that you need to think about and gain.

The next thing you need to do is to actually be able to make sure that you can learn about your own breathing techniques. You need to keep them under control and gain some sort of rhythm when you are doing this. Breathing is one of the most important things when you are talking about the ability to actually control your breathing and relax your mind. This is one of the most important factors when you are talking about self hypnosis, because when you are able to control your breathing, you would be able to induce your own peace and time of zen.

The other thing you might want to do is to actually tap into the power of the brain. If you did not know, the brain has its own mechanism to actually induce its own super states and hypnotism, and these are down to the brainwaves that are being produced by the neurons in the brain as well. So when it comes to this, all you need to do is to reverse engineer this situation with the use of some available technology and there are plenty of these that can be found online for your own usage. This is where brainwave entrainment comes into the picture.

So this is the good news about how you can induce your own mental improvement episode - all from the power of brainwave entrainment technology, and as you can see, it is not as difficult as you think it is. All you need to be able to do is to get the right sort of environment, the right sort of mental control and sometimes, the right kind of technology.

Invited author author: Greg Frost

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Monday, October 26, 2009

How to Beat Insomnia With Therapies Based on Brainwave Entrainment

Insomnia is a common symptom of several sleep disorders. It is characterized by the permanent difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep or sleep less than 8 hours daily. Thus, what makes one sleepless might be very different from the causes that another person has to sleep. For that reason there are not an universal insomnia treatment for everyone. However, a common pattern among these diverse people is found that can help these people to alleviate insomnia.

Many insomniacs take pills for sleep as insomnia treatment and other tranquilizers to get asleep. Yet this is not a good idea, all hypnotic drug drugs have the potential of causing psychological dependence. In fact, certain classes of drugs such as benzodiazepines and newer non benzodiazepines drugs (lorazepam) can also cause physical dependence which manifests in the return of the symptoms if the drug is not carefully managed. The benzodiazepines and non benzodiazepines hypnotic medicines also have a number of side effects such as day time tiredness, slow reactions when driving, cognitive deterioration and falls and fractures. Aging people are more susceptible to these side effects.

However, one thing is common among insomniac people: the brainwave patterns. Insomnia is often a result of a brain lacking in a very specific brainwave band called SMR (Sensory Motor Rhythm). SMR is responsible for inhibiting motion during sleep, among other duties. Increasing SMR generally results in deeper sleep and more energy throughout the day.

Therefore, there is a way to alleviate insomnia naturally without dangerous external substances. This is through the use of brainwave entrainment technology as an alternative medicine . A typical sleep induction therapy uses mainly SMR waves inducing the brain to a sleep state. By using sleep induction session based on brainwave entrainment sessions regularly, you can not only improve your falling asleep and your quality of sleep. but you can also increase your brain's ability to produce naturally these brainwaves, allowing you to better deal with insomnia in the future what is close to a insomnia cure.

A common brainwave entrainment therapy consists of an MP3 audio file with a special beat or pulse that helps to synchronize your brain with the desired mental state. It is very effective at helping you get to sleep because as your brain synchronizes with the pulse, it slows down all the running thoughts inside your head, allowing you to relax and finally get a good night's sleep. The main advantage is that you do not need any training as you do with meditation. Just wear headphones, listen the therapy and then, go to bed.

In summary, Insomnia is often a result of a brain lacking in a very specific brainwave band called SMR. SMR is responsible for inhibiting motion during sleep, among other duties. Increasing SMR generally results in deeper sleep and more energy throughout the day. The insomnia help session have these frequencies, that's why it works.

If you want to experiment with brainwave entrainment based therapies mentioned in the present article, playing and downloading them for FREE. Go to Free online therapies for mental health ( ).

For FREE therapies specifically for migraine follow the next link:
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Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to beat insomnia with therapies based on sounds and music

About chronic insomnia

The chronic lack of sleep is one of the most terrible experiences that one can have in life. Only those who have experienced chronic insomnia can really understand how weakening it is to be so sleep deprived.

When you go to bed at night completely exhausted and then sleep don't come. You lie there, eyes shut trying to relax and the minutes go by, but you just can't sleep.

Some nights you maybe haven't slept at all when you see the first light of dawn begin to creep over the window ledge, or you hear the dawn chorus starting up, and you know that you are in for another exhaustingly difficult day.

Therefore, insomnia is the difficult of initiating or maintaining sleep, or both. Not only does lack of sleep make you feel bad, it also has unpleasant and dangerous side effects. If you can't sleep you are at risk and you need to fix it. Research has shown that there are many problems associated with chronic sleep deprivation.

Some facts about insomnia.

  • Lack of sleep can shorten your life. Death from all causes is lowest among adults who get seven to eight hours of sleep nightly, and significantly higher among those who sleep less than seven.
  • Intellectual performance is reduced. Critical thinking plummets (so don’t stay up all night cramming for an exam).
  • Reaction time is slowed, which could be fatal in some situations such as driving a car.
  • The immune system is damaged. Sleep researcher Eve van Cauter at the University of Chicago gave flu vaccine to subjects who had slept only four hours per night for the previous six nights. Their immune systems produced only half the normal number of antibodies in response to the vaccine. This study also showed:
  1. Heart rate and blood pressure were raised
  2. Insulin resistance, a pre-diabetic condition that affects glucose tolerance and produces weight gain developed.
  3. Leptin levels were reduced. Leptin is secreted by fat cells and inhibits appetite, so weight gain would eventually results from lost sleep. Other studies have shown similar results

But being tired isn't an impressive condition, people can't see it and they don't get it. They can't understand how bad you feel. Your doctor may know very little about sleep and sleep deprivation. The answer from the doctors is usually a prescription for sleeping pills.

Why Sleeping Pills Are Not The Answer

You can take a sleeping pill occasionally or in emergencies without harm but taking them on a regular basis is a disaster. The longer you take them the more likely you are to need to increase the dose, and then increase it again. Eventually you may develop rebound insomnia, which means they stop working altogether.

Even when they do work sleeping pills are not really giving you the sleep you need. They knock you out but they do not allow you to go through the sleep cycle in a normal way.

Sleep isn't unconsciousness. It's dynamic, cycling roughly every 90 minutes during the night through the important stages of sleep. Without this you aren't getting a normal sleep with all the refreshing benefits of sleep that you need. No wonder you still don't feel rested

A Natural Remedy For Insomnia

Because sleeping pills are not a good answer to insomnia people who can't sleep are looking for a natural insomnia cure. Brainwave entrainment is a natural remedy for insomnia that you may not have tried. Brainwave entrainment has helped many people to regain the ability to sleep well all night and all you have to do is listen.

Brainwave entrainment works to slow down the brain waves so that they move into sleep mode and allow the listener to fall asleep. If they wake in the night they can listen again.

Sleep and Brainwave Entrainment

Your brain uses electrical signals to communicate with all the systems in your body. The rate of these electrical pulses, or brainwaves, can be measured using an EEG (electroencephalograph) machine. Brainwaves vary in their rhythm depending on what we are doing.

When we are alert and busy the activity in our brains is fast and the waves are closer together. When we are relaxed the wave pattern is much slower. As we begin to go to sleep, the brain waves become slower still.

If you can't sleep your brain waves are most likely not slowing down enough. If you have a busy mind and can't stop thinking, then you are not relaxing. Your brain waves will keep on going fast in the same way as they do when you are busy during the day.

What you want is for your brainwaves to slow down to alpha. Lying in bed with your eyes closed and listening to a brainwave entrainment audio can guide your brain into a slower rhythm. As this happens you normally drift gently into a natural sleep.

When your brainwaves slow down, your heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, breathing and muscle tension all relax too. The idea is to get the brain waves to slow right down to alpha so that you can easily fall asleep. Then the entrainment continues and can keep you asleep so that after about 60 minutes you reach deep delta sleep waves.

So why isn't brainwave entrainment prescribed for sleep problems more often? Why isn't it the first line of treatment for anyone who can't sleep before drugs are even considered?

The answer is that most doctors don't know about it. They aren't taught about it in medical school and have little opportunity to learn about it later. When doctors can't sleep they generally resort to a prescription drugs-and suffer the same problems as you do!

But brainwave entrainment is getting better known now and the word is getting out that this is an easy, fast, inexpensive insomnia cure that anyone who can't sleep should at least try.

If you would like to know more about brainwave entrainment just click here- it will open in a new window. How Brainwave Entrainment works.

The Sleep Induction treatment

If you're looking to finally rid yourself of insomnia and get a good night's sleep, you should try listeneing the different sessions to sleep in sleep therapies from Free online therapies for mental health.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Brainwave entrainment frequencies for health

Audio / Visual (Hz)Approximate
0.5 - 4 Hz (Delta)Help with Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia (D. Siever), Muscle-Contraction Headaches (G.D. Solomon)
4.5 HzSSC, Shamanic State Of Consciousness (M. Harner, M. Hutchison). Researchers found that during trance-inducing rituals or Tibetan Buddhism chants, certain beats were always present. 4.5 Hz seems to be the best frequency for entering a Shamanic trance.
4 - 8 Hz
Light Sleep, Vivid Imagery, Spiritual / Transformational experiences, Behavior & Attitude change and Increased Creativity (M. Hutchison). Can be used to help people fall sleep.
5 - 8 HzBringing up repressed memories (D. Siever)
6 - 9 HzLucid Dreaming (D. Siever)
6 - 12 HzImmune System enhancement (G. J. Schummer, Ph.D., M. Crane, L. Wong, C. Aquirre)
7.83 Hz
(Schumann Resonance)
7.83 is the Schumann Resonance, or the frequency that electro-magnetic waves travel around the earth's ionosphere. This is probably the most useful known frequency. It stimulates the release of growth hormones (N. Shealy). PET scans show that cerebral blood flow in the back of the brain occurs most at this frequency (P. Fox, M. Raichle). Studies of the most advanced meditators have repeatedly shown 7.8 to be a significant frequency (M. Cade). It is also referred to as the Hypnagogic state. More spiritual experiences have been reported using this frequency than any other. Out of body experiences have also been reported. The Harmonics of this frequency also appear to have some of the same effects. In particular, growth hormone release is prominent at 31.32 Hz.
8 - 10 HzLearning new information, Memorization (not comprehension) (M. Hutchison)
8 - 12 Hz
Relaxation, Help with Anxiety, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) (D. Siever). Alpha sessions can significantly increase blood flow in the brain. Can also produce temporary grogginess. Can be used to decrease depression in SOME people, but not all. It is usually recommended to use Beta frequencies for Depression treatment.
8.4 HzDissociation, Deep relaxation. Results in Lowered Anxiety, relaxed jaw muscles and can reduce the need for anesthetics (B. Margolis, D. Siever, D. Morse, A. Manns, N. Thomas). Good to use at dentist appointments.
10 HzPain Control (N. Shealy), Relaxation, Dissociation, Anti-Addiction
10 - 22 Hz

ADD/ADHD, Increasing IQ and Improving Behavior (J.L Carter, H.L. Russell, 1993, M. Hutchison) (13+ in particular). Can also be used for Sports/Skills Enhancement.

14 Hz was alternated with 22 Hz to improve grades in a college study.

10 Hz was alternated with 18 Hz to help with ADD/ADHD and improve cognitive performance.

15 - 20 Hz has been used in multiple studies to increase cognitive performance as well. 10 - 15 Hz seems to be best for stability and focus.

12 - 15 Hz
Relaxed Attention, Quieting the Body, Good for reading (Siever, Hutchison). Help with Insomnia, Depression, Concentration, PMS, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety Reduction, Improvements in Immune System
15 - 20 Hz/td>
Attention, Increase Cognitive Performance, Reduced Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder, Learning, Anxiety Reduction (M. Hutchison, D. Siever, Othmer, L. Thompson, Ph.D. and M. Thompson, M.D.)
18 HzEnergizing effect (M. Hutchison)
18 - 24 HzEuphoria, can also result in headaches, anxiety
20+ HzCan result in anxiety, headaches
22 - 40 HzTypical activity as "out of body" experiences are occurring or are about to occur, while in Theta (Dr. E. Wilson,
31.32 Hz
(Schumann Resonance Harmonic)
HGH (Human Growth Hormone) Release stimulation (has only been tested using photic stimulation, N. Shealy)
30 - 50 HzHelp with Migraines (has only been tested with Photic stimulation, D.J. Anderson)
36 - 40 HzHigh level information processing. Not much is known or has been studied regarding higher frequencies (Gamma), but it is hypothesized that higher frequencies could be helpful for multi-tasking abilities.
40 HzEnergizing, focused effect (M. Hutchison)
Modulation between 10 to 60 HzMental "Flexing", disentrainment, or breaking out of "stuck" brainwave patterns.

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