Sunday, August 30, 2009

What is is a non-profit website where we try to democratize a very effective, very unobtrusive, and mostly unknown healing technology called brainwave entrainment delivered through binaural beats. In other words you can heal yourself by just listening special sounds and music. This technology has been used clinically for more than 70 years and has been useful for a set of mental afflictions.

With brainwave entrainment you can get quick relief (and also get long lasting effects if you use them repeatedly) from common mental problems such as stress, migraine, depression, and other 14 ones. In addition, you will find special sessions to empower your mental skills such as inspiration, concentration, and IQ, among others.

The link is:

In total, there are 30 basic therapies ranging from sessions for deep sleep to sessions for high alertness. Furthermore, there are also almost 300 remixes of basic therapies with popular music including several genres: from country music to classical, including newage and trance and others. This is for better experience of taking the bitter medicine.

The therapies are free and no need of registration. So I you need a quick relive of any mental affliction or extra mental power go to Until now 10,000 people have enjoyed the benefits of these therapies and I hope you will be the next relieved.

If you are healthy, please send this message to a relative or friend that may need them.

Mentallion team

Healing sessions:
- Addiction reduction
- Anxiety reduction
- Depression reduction
- Pain relief
- Migraine relief
- Healing
- Hypertension - blood pressure
- Insomnia help
- Pre-menstrual session
- Insonmaniac killer
- Stress relief
- Super nap

Power sessions
- Alertness session
- Athletic performance
- Concentration focus
- Creative focus
- Creative brainstorming
- Motivation
- Out the body experience & altered mind states
- IQ comprehensive
- IQ focus
- Before exam/speech session
- Visualization and Law of attraction
- Sex performance

Music genres:
- Trance (excellent for concentration and creativity)
- Rock-pop
- New-age
- Classical
- Jazz
- Gregorian

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